AGM Notes 2023
Apologies for absence
Bob Dunkley
Matt Smith
Jamie Becket
Mark Cooper
Pete Smith
Pete Taplin
Jo Town
James Town
Neil Priddy
Sue and Gary
Neil Priddy took the Chair
Neil thanked people for keeping the club going
Treasurers report. Clive explained that we had increased expenditure last year, but that was planned. Shirts and the Tour minibus were large expenditure items. A large donation from Bob was appreciated. Clive explained that the SUMUP account was an advantage , because we could pay 100 club winnings electronically. Jack asked that we get another Sumup device.
Captains report. Not much to add. Solid year. Drive for new players….Facebook pages…Good core of younger players
Pete suggested we have a “Bring a mate to BBQ “ at Southfleet ?
Wednesday nets outside Jack will purchase netting
Fixture secretaries report
A few new fixtures…Broadway . A few gaps but that's the way we get new teams….
Not dropped anyone.
Election of officers.
Bob is Chair.
Neil is elected Vice Chair.
Clive is Treasurer and secretary.
Captain Jack….
Vice Captains….Pete Taplin / Ben Hemmings / Matt Smith
Match Secretary Pete Smith
Fixture Secretary…Pete Smith
Social Secretary….Jo and James
Safe Guarding lead Tim McArdle
Tour. Jacks suggests Bournemouth / Southampton…Tim McArdle to organise…