Old Dartechs’ & Wilmingtonians’ Association Newsletter No. 6 – August 1977


Letter from Mrs. Rhoda Windiate-Blackmore (Staff 1943-49)

Dear Mr. Daley,

Many thanks for sending on the Newsletters, which made fascinating reading. It was most interesting to read Mr. Wall’s account of the early days of the school and the move to Wilmington Hall; also reading Mr. Black’s tribute to him at the time of his retirement.


Whenever I look again at a photo of a spaniel I acquired about 1946, I immediately think of Mr. Wall! No doubt this may appear very odd, as in no way did he resemble this breed - but his daughter had the unusual name of ‘Zani’, which rather took my fancy; I therefore bestowed it on our new family pet! (Another piece of useless information for you, as per Mr. Clare’s car number given in one of the Newsletters)!


I have often wondered whether there is anyone left who might remember Mr. and Mrs. Oliver, the caretaker and his wife who held sway at Essex Road during the 40’s. Mr. Oliver was tall and upright, silver-haired, and ‘ruled during the roost’. Woe beTIDE any boy who put a foot wrong in that building - his life wasn’t worth living! I think all the boys were very much in awe of him, and indeed, so was I at the time of my interview as a Junior Secretary at the College/School in 1943. He met me at the head of the stairs and until he ushered me into the Principal’s inner sanctum, I thought he WAS the Principal! Both Mr. and Mrs. Oliver were always incommunicado during the early part of the afternoon, no doubt enjoying a well-earned snooze, but dead on 3p.m., there would be a gentle knock on the office door and Mrs. Oliver’s head would appear, followed by the rest of her, holding a tray with our afternoon cups of tea. “THANK you Mrs. Oliver!” we would chorus in unison, as though she had brought in the crown jewels and was doing us the greatest favour!


I should mention here that some of the staff were often included in the tea ritual, since when they were not teaching, they preferred to be in the office, rather than spend time in the cramped and dungeon-like staff room in the bowels of the Essex Road building. It was then more like playing ‘sardines’ as there was very little room anyway for more than two secretaries and their desks placed together, (How I’d love to see that room once again)! Mr. Wall was often in there - and jokingly, as he entered, would always announce, “I’m just coming in for a spit and a draw!” He kept us very much amused with the latest news on the classroom front and his presence was a tonic, especially as life then was very austere with the war still grinding away and in 1944 becoming very close to home with the arrival of the ‘doodlebugs.’


One of my duties as a school secretary in the early days was selling stationery to the boys during the lunch break. This task also included exchanging new exercise books for old and being war-time, not a quarter inch of paper was wasted and the staff had to sign the book at the end   to indicate that every page had been used and a pristine new book could then be handed over. Slide rules were also for sale; in those days they were 4s 10d (almost 25p)! I still have one such I purchased for myself, which came in very handy for working out pupils’ percentage attendances.


The names of a few of the boys still come to mind; Peter Goodhew, whose sister Jean worked in our office for a while; Maurice Coe, who was somehow able to obtain oranges ‘under the counter’ and I would be proffered one most days; Henderson, and whose tale of his climbing feat up the edge of the Essex Road building before he fell, yet lived to tell the tale, must surely have gone down as one of the greatest ‘dares’ ever in the annals of the school. Simpson, who when he left, joined the Navy as an artificer and often wrote afterwards to tell me his exploits; and Vladimir Popoff (I’m not joking)! who stayed  at the school for a short while. No doubt his father was in the country for some reason at the behest of the Russian government. Finally, (taking a deep breath!) - Peter Hart of T1B (yes I still remember in which class you were, Peter!) - who had THE most striking blue eyes!


Being an only child from a ‘Girls Only’ school at Bexley Tech, I found it rather unnerving starting my first job where there were hundreds (or so it seemed), of milling boys around the same age; it was probably somewhat unnerving for them too! The only other person in the office at the time was the Principal’s Secretary, Miss Mary Haill, who was OLD - well she WAS coming up to 30!


Oh yes, and where now is Peter H. K. Sandom, who on the day he was leaving school passed into the office a note containing a short riddle, viz;

“Q Why couldn’t Mr. Wall ride his horse to school?

  A. Because he found that Daphne Rhoda!”

“Good-bye for good, today, girls, so here’s luck! Wishing you the compliments of the season

Love & kisses

X X X X     (signed) Peter H. J. Sandom


(‘Daphne’ was the other Junior appointed just after me, but being unable to stand the pace, stayed only a short while; the date of this little note would have been most likely Christmas 1943.)


Is there anyone out there still, (even better, did anyone take a photo!) who remembers the  occasion of my 21st birthday in April 1948 when after lunch, I was transported from the school canteen in Lowfield Street to the Essex Road building? My precarious ‘vehicle’ was a teacher’s chair supported on window poles carried aloft by four of the staff. With a lace curtain draped over my shoulders, and carrying a notice announcing that I was “21 TODAY!”, I also bore a giant key covered in silver paper, made of course, in the woodwork shop! (Mr. West was the woodwork master at the time).


Albeit with the silver paper looking somewhat tatty by now, it is one of my most treasured souvenirs, but not in daily use(!) as is a small wooden bowl, also made in the woodwork shop, a very useful container for paperclips which is in constant use in my study.


With regard to the various changes of name of the school, when I started at the College in 1943, there was also a Junior Commercial School in being; (Mr. Wall mentions this in his article in one of the Newsletters). The JCS as it was known was based in the main at the ‘Conybeare Club’ not very far from the Essex Road building. There was always much rivalry with its opposite number, the Junior Technical School, known as the JTS.


I remember invigilating examinations at the Conybeare when I was little more than a year or so older than the students! Generally they were very co-operative, but I did have trouble on one occasion when one of the lads, Dartnall, (who eventually became a teacher at the College!) was a real thorn in my side on that particular morning and only by my threatening to abandon the whole examination, did his antics subside. In those days, of course there were no mobile ‘phones to call up the main building for help with difficult students - one just had to do the best one could.


When it was necessary to invigilate examinations held in the evening, then the invigilator was paid the princely sum of 2s 6d (12½p) for attendance, and a further 2s 6d for every hour the examination lasted. Having spent a whole day working at the College, ending at 5p.m., I would start again at 7p.m. and finish at 10p.m., catch a ‘bus to Northfleet and then have a 40 minute walk to my home before I could collapse into bed. Next morning, it was work once again, and often at examination times yet another evening spent in looking stern, reading out the usual rules and regulations, walking round the tables, checking there was no cheating, and watching the clock. At the end of the month for each 3-hour examination there would be an extra 10s (50p) - in my pay-packet - big money!


Some years after I had left Dartford and became well and truly bitten by the genealogy and family history ‘bug’, I discovered that I was related fairly closely to one of the teaching staff, Mr. L. Gregory, upon whose nickname we will not dwell but as far as the boys were concerned, I think it ended with N. He was my father’s first (step) cousin. Since my great-grandfather had sired thirteen children by two marriages, it was no wonder that somewhere along the line, quite a few of his very many grandchildren had never even spoken to each other. I met Len again at a family get-together not long before he passed away, and OK boys, I didn’t split on you.


Returning to Mr. Wall once again, it is a strange coincidence that my daughter’s very best school friend at Sydenham High in the 70’s bore that surname, her father being Dr. Colin Wall, a now retired Professor of Imperial College. To add to the coincidence, my son will be marrying a  Liverpudlian lady next month - her maiden name? You’ve guessed it. WALL, of course! Mr. Wall’s roots were I believe in Alnick, Northumberland but my daughter in law is unaware of relatives in that area. (More family history research for me I see)!


Mr Wall had many attributes; apart from being an outstanding Headmaster, he had quite an artistic bent; taking a sheet of plain paper and a pair of scissors, he was adept at making cut-outs of people, animals, birds, trees, etc, etc, without the necessity of sketching them first and as they say, ‘in the twinkling of an eye’. I kept those he made for me one day, and later mounted them in a photo album - I thought you might like to have the enclosed photocopy.


Letter received from Malcolm Harris (1964-71)

Dear Mr. Daley

Over the past few years I have enjoyed receiving the ‘Old School’ Newsletter, seeing the news on old masters, not so old masters and some ‘boys’ I remember. During this time I have meant to drop you a line, now at last I am.


My years at D.T. were 1964-71 and other names with me include (John Duff, Gerry Colyer, Roger Worth, Steve Broad & John Woollett). Mr. Mogford and Mr. Black were in charge, and my Uncle, Mr. Moore was teaching Physics (sadly I was a dismal failure at Physics).


Funnily enough I remember my first English term with you back in 1964 like it was yesterday - maybe your opening statement had something to do with that. “Good morning boys - I am the strictest master in the school”. I do believe I obtained a pass in English at ‘O’ level; after 2 or 3 attempts.


My greatest success came in the Geography Department where I achieved an amazing grade ‘A’ in Geography ‘A’ level. Along with this pleasing result came the sad record of being the only pupil Mr. Lawson ever had that failed Economics ‘A’ level.


Although I later passed it on a resit at ‘O’ level grade, I’m sure Mr. Lawson was never the same again, and I believe he has since died. I hope my result had no part in that!


I once took some photographs of ‘Maggie’ Mountjoys daughter for a French book she was writing, maybe she will remember me! I’m now a self employed Photographer down on Hayling Island in Hampshire, although I travel around with my work. I had a real mix of jobs after leaving school, including Lifeguard, Photographers assistant, several years working in Switzerland and many years running a Youth Training Scheme in Deptford, S.E. London. Terry Moyle and Ian Smith maybe interested to know my Geography has always come in handy, from my travels, to helping me gain a Mounting Leaders Certificate. I enjoyed taking hoards of young people from deprived inner city areas to the Welsh mountains and seeing them benefit from their experience.


I’ll try and dig out a few photos from the old day’s and look forward to meeting some old friends on March 8th.



MARCH 1997



Mrs M Mountjoy (1939-79) - Staff (Guest of Honour)

Mr M Anderson                               (1942-44)                Mr D Nicholson                                            (1948-51)

Mr R Pierce                                       (1949-57                Mr P Minch                                                   (1952-56)

Mr A Gregory                                  (1953-57)                Mrs J Gregory

Mr J Frankton                                  (1954-58)                Mrs J Frankton

Mr N McKay                                     (1954-59)                Mr D R Wells - ODWA Chairman                 (1954-59)

Mr T Whiffen                                   (1954-59)                Mr D French                                                (1954-59)

Mr M Mew                                       (1954-59)                Mr S Frith                                                     (1954-59)

Mr K Baker                                      (1954-59)                Mr J Gatland                                                (1954-59)

Mr P Dudley                                     (1954-60)                Mr A Hatley                                                 (1954-60)

Mr K Prebble                                    (1954-61)                Mr J A Austen - Staff                                  (1954-74)

Mr T Hill                                            (1955-58)                Mr J Nunn                                                    (1955-61)

Mrs J Nunn                                                                      Mr D Edgington - Staff                                 (1955-57)

Mr M Ashpool                                  (1956-62)                Mr M Lyons                                                 (1956-62)

Mr M Ogilvy                                     (1957-60)                Mr P Liddle                                                   (1957-62)

Mr M Watts                                      (1957-62)                Mr M Green                                                 (1957-63)

Mr C Targett                                    (1957-63)                Mrs J Targett

Mr G Mole                                        (1957-63)                Mr W H James - Staff                                  (1957-89)

Mr A Dunmore                                 (1959-65)                Mrs A Dunmore

Mr J Dillaway                                   (1959-65)                Mrs J Dillaway

Mr R Quick                                       (1959-66)                Guest of R Quick

Mr L. Hollingsworth - Staff   (1960 - present)                Mr J Standen                                               (1961-66)

Mr A Anstead                                  (1961-67)                Mr G Carter                                                 (1961-67)

Dr R Ogilvy                                      (1962-66)                Mr C Goodhew                                            (1962-67)

Mr D Brenchley                               (1962-67)                Mr A Foster                                                 (1962-67)

Mr R Richardson                             (1962-67)                Mr D Fergusson                                          (1962-68)

Mr R Short                                       (1962-69)                Mr J Fergusson                                           (1963-68)

Mr P May                                         (1963-68)                Mr R Abel                                                    (1963-69)

Mr C Laker - Staff                           (1963-70)                Mr J Daley - Staff                                        (1963-92)

Mr R Wilson                                     (1963-70)                Mrs R Wilson

Mr J Nash                                        (1964-69)                Mrs S Nash

Mr N Davies                                     (1964-69)                Mr D Clements                                             (1964-69)

Mr M Harris                                      (1964-71)                Mr J Duff                                                     (1964-71)

Mr J Jarvis                                       (1964-71)                Mr P Swinscoe                                            (1964-72)

Mr J Walker                                     (1965-70)                Mr I Edmed                                                   (1965-71)

Mrs I Edmed                                                                     Mr A Syrocki                                               (1965-72)

Mr H Little                                        (1965-72)                Mr D Seal                                                     (1965-72)

Mr F Fabi                                         (1965-73)                Mr T Moyle - Staff                                       (1966-72)

Mr T Musgrave                                (1966-73)                Mr S Nash                                                   (1966-73)

Mr J Peters                                      (1966-73)                Mrs J Peters

Mr P Moor                                        (1966-73)                Mrs P Moor

Mr G Bartholomew                          (1967-72)                Mrs G Bartholomew

Mr S Marsh                                      (1967-72)                Mr K Mitchell                                                (1967-73)

Mr C Smith                                       (1967-74)                Mr C Whiting                                                (1968-75)

Mr M Wesson - Staff            (1969 - present)                Mr G Hillman                                                (1969-74)

Mr M Browning                                (1969-75)                Mr W Nash                                                  (1969-76)

Mr B Levens                                    (1969-76)                Mr S Thomas                                               (1970-75)

Mrs S Thomas                                                                 Mr P Mills                                                     (1970-77)

Mr I Manners                                   (1970-77)                Mr A Hamerschlag - Staff                           (1970-84)

Mr D Bateman                                  (1971-76)                Mr P Browning                                            (1971-77)

Mr S Mole                                        (1971-76)                Mr J Hampton                                              (1972-77)

Mr K Jackson                                  (1972-77)                Mr P Kessell                                                (1974-76)

Mr S Message - Staff                      (1975-86)                Mr D Clements                                             (1976-81)

Mrs J McKay - Staff              (1977 - present)                Mr B N Titterington - Headmaster(1992 - present)


Apologies received from

Mrs R E Windiate-Blackmore - Staff   (1943-49)                    Mr J Colechin                                       (1950-53)

Mr J Gough                                         (1951-54)                    Mr L Hearnden                                    (1951-55)

Mr R Jarvis                                          (1952-55)                    Mr A Boyling                                        (1953-56)

Mr P Dryland                                       (1954-58)                    Mr P Mason                                         (1954-59)

Mr D Bartrip                                         (1954-59)                    Mr M Phyall                                          (1954-59)

Mr T Goldson                                      (1954-59)                    Mr T W Stevens                                  (1954-59)

Mr. T Stevens                                     (1954-59)                    Mr D Lefever                                       (1956-59)

Mr D King                                            (1957-62)                    Mr I Smith - Staff                                 (1957-93)

Mr A Foster                                         (1958-62)                    Mr D Garland                                       (1958-63)

Mr M Bartle                                          (1958-65)                    Mr K Nisbet                                          (1958-65)

Mr R Willimott                                       (1958-65)                    Mr P Woodward                                  (1959-62)

Mr A Jesson                                       (1959-65)                    Mr N Crutchfield                                  (1959-66)

Mr J Tull                                               (1960-65)                    Mr J Hussey                                        (1960-67)

Mr B Freed                                          (1960-67)                    Mr C Dougal - Staff                             (1960-72)

Mr H Woods                                        (1960-68)                    Mr R McKenna                                     (1961-66)

Mr P Hills                                             (1961-68)                    Mr I Collins                                           (1962-67)

Mr D Wildish                                        (1962-67)                    Mr M Stroudley                                    (1963-70)

Mr K Gofton                                        (1964-69)                    Mr M Etherington                                 (1964-69)

Mr G Colyer                                         (1964-71)                    Mr G Barker                                         (1964-71)

Mr B Stoneham                                   (1965-72)                    Mr D Munford                                      (1965-73)

Mr P Callway                                       (1966-71)                    Mr P Morgan                                        (1966-73)

Mr M Gofton                                        (1966-73)                    Mr P Munford                                       (1967-74)

Mr D Fricker                                        (1967-74)                    Mrs S Holden - Staff                           (1968-96)

Mr R Freeman                                     (1969-75)                    Mr A Beal                                            (1970-75)

Mr I Blades                                          (1970-77)                    Mr G Eldridge                                       (1971-76)

Mr G Theobald                                    (1971-78)                    Mr R Phillips                                         (1972-76)

Mr G Love                                           (1972-77)                    Mr M Dunk                                           (1972-79)

Mr B Bird                                             (1973-80)                    Mrs J Metcalfe - Staff                         (1974-78)

Mr P Wells                                           (1974-79)                    Mr P Wright                                          (1974-80)

Mr D Jolley - Former Chairman of Governors(1974-89)

Mr A Nock                                           (1976-81)                    Mr M Blackband                                   (1976-83)

Mr A Judd                                           (1976-83)                    Mr B Wright                                         (1977-84)

Mr G Maidment                                    (1978-83)                    Mr P Beadle                                         (1983-90)

Mr M Beadle                                        (1984-90)                    Mrs C Capozzi - Staff                         (1985-90)

Mr D Gray                                           (1987-92)                    Mrs S Stephen - Staff                         (1988 - present)


Letter received from Paul Munford, B.D.S. (1967-74)

Thank you for your recent communication, including newsletter No. 5 and invitation to the March AGM.


Unfortunately neither myself or my brother, David, (1965-73) can make this event but will do our best to attend the September gathering. It would certainly be good to see any of my contemporaries in September, especially those with whom I studied science ‘A’ levels and therefore became closest to.


For the record I went to Guys Hospital to study Dentistry and qualified in 1978. I married Vanessa in 1979, have two children and a busy practice in Great Dunmow (north Essex). “Tempus fugit” is reflected in the fact my son is currently studying for his GSCE’s (‘O’ levels?). It doesn’t seem 5 minutes ago that I was doing the same at our dear old school! Although I am somewhat distant, my parents still live locally in Bexley village and my brother David is a Civil Engineer in Maidstone.


Once again, thank you for getting in contact with me and to any of my peers, let’s try and get together at the September meeting.


Letter received from Richard Short (1962-69)

Dear Dennis

Thank you for the latest Newsletter, number 5, which as my first full communication with ODWA since I left Dartford Tech in late 1969 aroused many old memories and school ties.


I returned to the school, with one of my classmates, David Truscott, for a visit a couple of years after leaving and again in 1988 when I briefly met Mr Ian Smith and Mr Len Hollingsworth one lunchtime. Since then the only contact I have had with the school was when I met with Mr Aidan Coen (current Curriculum Manager) last September in my professional capacity.


The letter which evoked the strongest memories was that from Mr “Jesse” James who taught Class 1B (1962 onwards) after our English teacher, Mr “Potty” Pearce was ill and eventually died.  Mr James’ biography of teachers I remember was most helpful - Mr Cartwright originally took us for geography followed by Mr Ian Smith and finally Mr Terry Moyle.


Mr Parker took us for maths and used to allow us third and fourth years to use his record player during lunchtime breaks. I can still recall many tracks we would play including the burgeoning Jimi Hendrix, Cream, Harlem Shuffle by Bob & Earl and Take Five by Dave Brubeck.  Mr Gough took us for woodwork in the workshops in Lowfield Street initially before new workshops were fitted on site. Mr Austen was our technical drawing master, Mr Clare for music and Mrs “Maggie” Mountjoy for French (although Mr Dougal took us during one year). I clearly recall the puppet theatres we used to stage and the emphasis placed on oral French.


As an ex-schoolteacher myself I have to agree with the observation stated by Jesse James that teaching for him was no longer  “a pursuit  of  excellence. . .  but  a  frantic rush after mediocrity”.  At least he was able to retire at age 60 and is hopefully still enjoying his freedom from exasperation. This is a common frustration aired by teachers today, many of whom are keen to retire early to avoid the dangers of long term ill health caused by work-related stress. I have spent a lot of my time helping teachers to retire early and maintain their sanity!


There seem to be few classmates mentioned from my time at Dartford Tech from 1962 - 1969, but I did spot Clive Goodhew who set the competition.


I look forward to meeting staff and old colleagues at the annual dinner in March and congratulate you on your concerted efforts in tracking me down.



Letter received from Derek Wildish  (1962-67)

Dear Mr. Daley

I must first apologise for not replying earlier to the letters sent out with the December issue of the Newsletter, this has been mainly due to project work both for my work place and for my involvement in the Scout Association taking up most of my free time. However now that I have found the time to reply it is with some sadness that I must let you know that I unfortunately will be unable to attend the A.G.M and meal on the 8th March 1997.  This is due to a prior engagement which I have been unable to rearrange. I have completed the form as requested and have included a donation for £15.00. I hope that it will not be to long before I am able to attend a function and hopefully meet up with both some of my old school friends and some of the teachers who were at the school during my time there. I will close now and hope that you all have an enjoyable evening on the 8th.


ODWA IS ON THE ‘NET!    oldarwil@aol.com


Following suggestions from colleagues around the world, ODWA now has Internet connectivity.


In the first instance this will be for email for general correspondence. If you would like to receive your event notifications and newsletters by email please advise us of your email address. This will save us postage and paper, and will enable you to receive the material within seconds of us releasing it.


The next stage will be a presence on the World Wide Web. Look out for the publication of our home page address, by email and in the next newsletter.


We hope to include past newsletters on our ‘web page’ and any other information that you would find interesting. Our mailing lists are held in computer files and thus are technically able to be published. However, as there are issues of privacy here, we hope to list names of those Members that we have addresses for, with their dates at the School, and should you want full information this can be forwarded separately. Likewise you may be able to advise us of Members that we have not yet contacted. Please let us have your comments and suggestions.


(With a view to the note on privacy, if your details are on our Database and you do not want them passed onto any other Old Boy from your time at the School, please advise us as soon as possible. Chairman.)



Patrick Watts, (1970’s)


We have received a letter from Crispin Whiting (1968-75), who is employed in the Kent Messenger Group of Newspapers, which included a cutting from a recent copy of the Kent Messenger. The article refers to Patrick Watts, who was in the upper sixth with him in 1974-75.


Patrick Watts is driving a Peugeot 406 in the British Touring Car Championships during this year, so yet another Old Boy who is making a name for himself. From the article we are able to ascertain that Patrick lives in the Marden area, but as yet we do not have his address. So if anybody can give us more details, they would be appreciated.



Letter received from A. (Tony) Foster, 1958-1962


I have just received the December issue of the Old School newsletter and now feel extremely guilty and embarrassed in leaving the previous newsletter together with your introductory letter in the top drawer since last year.


It has been 35 years since I walked out of the school gates for the last time and into the reality of pending adulthood, unfortunately the decision to leave was not entirely my own choice. School and the associated discipline together with Tony Foster was not a combination that gelled, it was 4 years before I realised fully the mistakes I had made and commenced what was to be a 22 year programme of further and higher education.


Like all other “old boys”, reflecting on those early years of our lives brings back many memories:


“Charlie” Wall the headmaster whom I was sent to on many occasions and his stern deputy Mr Black (his nickname escapes me although “Percy” comes to mind), other members of staff include Mrs “Maggie” Mountjoy, “Jessie” James, Mr Austen and not forgetting my maths teacher Mr Egerton. I recall quite clearly being caught many times talking as Mr Egerton emerged form the back room during a Maths lesson after having a crafty smoke, if he missed me with the blackboard duster he would catch me later with his ruler!


The school canteen (how I liked that gypsy tart and always asked for seconds!) next to the cycle sheds, whilst waiting for our time slot we often could see through the trees the young pupils from Wilmington Grammar School for Girls going through their PT exercise.


That long and arduous cross country run, the ‘high’ point being as we ran adjacent to the pig farm behind Leyton Cross road, unless that is we took the short cut and waited for half the class to go past before re-joining the No 428 bus ride from Oakfield Lane to Leyton Cross (yes there were buses in those days) and of course the traditional ‘School Reports’. How I dreaded the postman coming and then sitting down in front of my parents whilst they read out the ghastly details and demanding a commitment that I will correct all my misgivings. I still have all my old reports and often take the opportunity to sit down and read through them recollecting not only my academic success but also my old school chums and wondering what they are doing now. Messrs Palmer, Schofield, Johnson and Jewiss come to mind (I cannot remember the names of the remaining magnificent seven of class 2C through to 4C during the years of 1958-62). Young G. Jewiss always used to bring sherbet lemons to school, how they used to make the roof of your mouth sore after sucking your way through a ¼  lb bag! (I note he has not attended the last two functions and would appreciate you passing my address to him or his to me) I must not forget Roger Willimott who passed your name and phone number to me last year after our paths crossed in business.


So where did that grounding get me in life? Today I am a successful senior manager in the ever demanding 1st tier automotive supply industry and have been fortunate to remain in full   employment throughout my career. I have travelled the world either on business or on pleasure, in fact I fly to the USA on the 8th March for a series of meeting so am unable to make the AGM or dinner, but don’t worry I have a note of the September date and intend to walk up that drive again.


I have enclosed a cheque being a donation to your cause and ask you to add my name to your mailing list for future newsletters, again apologies for not being able to make the 8th March and hope to see you in September.



News from the Committee - Dennis Wells (1954-59) Chairman


Owing to a recent health problem John Daley has not been able to make his regular trips to and from the School, so it will greatly help us in future if any bookings for our events are sent directly to John at his home address “The Lodge”, Deanscroft, Gills Road, South Darenth, Dartford, Kent DA4 9LF. Telephone enquiries on 01474 704856, before 9.00p.m. please.


On Saturday, 27th September, 1997 we are arranging a Quiz Night at the School as our Summer Reunion Event, so this is an opportunity for members to get together and show that their attendance at the School was not a complete waste. Teams of six, so you will be able to gather a group of your own age together, or smaller groups can be amalgamated into teams on the night. The evening will, we hope be preceded by a Football Match between a School Team and one from Old Boys!  Hopefully we will have enough volunteers to enable players to be changed during the game. The Football Match to start at 4.00p.m., Reception for the Evening with a Licensed Bar from 6.30p.m. Basket Meals with a choice of Scampi and Chips or Chicken and Chips will be available from 7.00 - 8.00p.m., with Cheese and Biscuits during the Evening, the bar will close at 11.00p.m. Tickets are available at £4.75 each. Partners will be welcome.


For the 1998 Annual General Meeting and Annual Reunion Dinner on Saturday 7th March we have  invited Jim (Sam) Austen as our Guest of Honour, so I trust that we will have another good attendance on that evening.


We would like to thank all those that very generously supported our appeal for donations in the last newsletter, owing to that great support we are able to mail this issue to all those on our Database, so if you are one of those members that did not respond then, we are still prepared to accept your donations.


As another form of finance for our Newsletters we are investigating the possibility of putting Advertisements in future Issues, so if you are interested please contact John Daley. We also require contributions to fill the next Issue, so any article written by a Member will be gratefully accepted.