ODWCC Accounts 2018/19
Income 01/04/2018 01/04/2019
Match fees incl Net receipts 1259 1001
Fund raising
Profit on 100 Club 696.93 432.29
Total 1955.93 1433.29
Pitches 240 260
Winter Nets 400 550
Kit  275 404
Fees 367 291
Trophies 125 100
Awards dinner 90
Total 1407 1695
Balance carried forward 1387.54 1936.47
Add Excess of over exp 548.93 503.18
Total 1936.47 1433.29
Represented by
Cash at Bank
Current acc 181.57
No 2 acc 595.26 1113.78
Depost Acc 847.64
Cash in hand 312 319.51
1936.47 1433.29
Notes Bank accounts consolidated into 1
Accounts for 17/8 covered a  period of 15 months- hence increase in 100 Club funds
Winter nets bill of £700 not paid yet
Current Postion 26/4/2019 after nets bill paid bill paid- £1150