ODWCC Accounts 2017/2018
Income 30/11/2016 01/04/2018
Match fees incl Net receipts £965.00 £1,259.00
Donations (RED) £500.00
Fund raising £130.00
Profit on 100 Club £344.00 £696.93
Interest on deposit acc £0.43
£1,939.43 £1,955.93
Pitches £240.00 £240.00
Winter Nets £315.00 £400.00
Kit  £310.00 £275.00
Fees* £374.50 £367.00
Officer expenses £45.45
Trophies £134.48 £125.00
Total £1,419.43 £1,407.00
Balance carried forward £867.54 £1,387.54
Add Excess of over exp £520.00 £548.93
Balance  £1,387.54 £1,936.47
Represented by
Current acc £384.77 £181.57
No 2 acc £97.70 £595.26
Depost Acc £847.62 £847.64
Cash in hand £57.45 £312.00
£1,387.54 £1,936.47
Jonathan used an accounting period toNovember to fit in with historical practice (AGM's used to be held before Christmas)
I have decided to move to April
Expenditure does not include fees for Winter nets 2018
Bank balances are accurate to start of March 2018. 
Clive Stringer
* Insurance and AKCC